Congenital anomalies in births in year 2010

Region: ČR
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-80-7472-007-9


Data in the publication are classified by place of health establishment, place of residence and age of mother, sex, kind of anomaly, gestation week and birth weight.

Publications „Congenital anomalies“ available with data since 1965 classified by year of report on congenital malformation, diagnosed in children aged up to 1 year. The publication „Children born with congenital malformation 2002“ reflected the change of the methodology of processing. For the sake of unification of the published data with those provided by international organisations, our publications since 2004 contain data on congenital malformations in children born in the concerned years diagnosed in that or the following year, up to 1 year of the child's age. The source of information is the National Registry of congenital anomalies. Data in the publication are classified by place of health establishment, place of residence and age of mother, sex, kind of anomaly, gestation week and birth weight. Statistics is processed of numbers of children with congenital malformation as well as of numbers of malformations diagnosed in these children.